Corporate News

Bitcoin Group SE expects earnings before tax of at least 8 million euros for 2017

  • Trading volume on rises significantly above 1 billion euros (previous year: 85 million euros)
  • Sales forecast for 2017 of at least 10 million euros (previous year: 1 million euros)
  • Earnings before tax of at least 8 million euros (previous year: 0.2 million euros)
  • Increase in number of customers to more than 645,000 (previous year: 356,000)

Herford, December 21, 2017 – Bitcoin Group SE (ISIN: DE000A1TNV91) confirms the outlook of a strong increase in sales in the current financial year as announced in the half-year report 2017 and publishes a concrete sales and earnings forecast for 2017. This reflects the massive increase in the number of customers on, Germany's only marketplace for cryptocurrencies and a 100% subsidiary of Bitcoin Group SE. After Bitcoin Group SE could announce an increase in the number of users to 570,000 on December 4, 2017, which exceeded expectations by 30%, the Group recorded a further increase to more than 645,000 customers until mid-December 2017. The original plan provided for 480,000 customers by the end of the year.

As already envisaged in the half-year report, the earnings situation is increasing due to the high dynamics of new customer acquisition. On the basis of preliminary figures, Bitcoin Group SE expects a trading volume with cryptocurrencies on of well over 1 billion euros for the year 2017. This results in expected consolidated sales of at least 10 million euros and earnings before taxes of at least 8 million euros at Bitcoin Group. “Of course, we are convinced of our business model and corporate philosophy. However, we did not consider it possible to achieve such strong growth in 2017 as a whole. The development shows that cryptocurrencies have come to stay and the Bitcoin Group SE with them," says Michael Nowak, CEO of Bitcoin Group SE.

The trading platform of the wholly owned subsidiary welcomes its 570,000th customer – annual target significantly exceeded

Herford, December 4, 2017 - Bitcoin Deutschland AG, the wholly-owned subsidiary of Bitcoin Group SE (ISIN: DE000A1TNV91) welcomes the 570,000th customer to Germany's largest cryptographic currency trading platform

Thanks to the strong demand for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash or Ethereum – which can also be traded on – the number of users grew by 140,000 (or more than 30%) to 570,000 compared with June 30, 2017. This means that the Group not only reached its target of 480,000 users at the end of the year ahead of schedule but also significantly exceeded it at an early stage.

“Despite all the euphoria for cryptocurrencies, this sharp rise in customer demand in the second half of 2017 was not to be expected. We are very pleased about the trust of our users and will continue to work consistently on the expansion of the platform. For us, this means offering the highest possible usability, high security standards and a wide range of fungible and liquid cryptographic currencies," says Michael Nowak, Managing Director of Bitcoin Group SE.

Since June 2017, the bitcoin exchange rate has almost quadrupled to currently 9,476 euros. On a US dollar basis, it has currently exceeded the 11,000 dollars mark. Due to the high demand and the subsequent strong increase in trading revenues at, Managing Director Michael Nowak is more than satisfied with the dynamics and development of business in the current year:

"Customer interest in cryptocurrencies has once again increased enormously in the second half of 2017. In the period from July to November, we were able to convince an average of more than 26,000 new customers per month of our offer. Compared with the first half of the year, this is more than a doubling of customer dynamics. However, in spite of the fact that our business development was well above expectations, we do not want to rest on our laurels, but rather to achieve our targets with the same ambition in 2018."

Bitcoin​ ​Group​ ​SE:​ ​Ethereum​ ​trading​ ​started​ ​on​ ​

Herford, November 24, 2017 – Bitcoin Group SE (ISIN ​DE000A1TNV91) is expanding its offering with the commencement of the trading on Ethereum (ETH) on after the successful completion of the beta phase. is the only regulated cryptocurrency market place in Germany and a 100 percent subsidiary of Bitcoin Group SE. By taking up the trading of the currency, the Group is responding to the high demand for cryptocurrencies in general and Ethereum in particular. This step reflects, above all, the dynamic price development of Ethereum. Since the beginning of the year, the price has risen by more than 3,000 percent and currently​ ​stands​ ​at​ ​around​ ​340​ ​euros​ ​per​ ​unit.

With a market capitalisation of currently more than 39 billion US dollars, Ethereum is the world's number 2 crypto-currency next to Bitcoin. Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum uses an alternative type of blockchain technology. The underlying computer protocols, so-called Smart Contracts, ensure that Ethereum is easier and quicker to process. This characteristic makes Ethereum particularly interesting for the use of transactions between companies. According to the newly formed Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, with the inclusion of Hewlett Packard, more than 200 companies have joined the organization until October 2017. By contrast, Bitcoin is valued more as a payment​ ​platform,​ ​primarily​ ​in​ ​the​ ​retail​ ​sector.

"Besides Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum has the greatest acceptance among investors. Therefore, it is only logical for us that we now offer customers the opportunity to buy and sell Ethereum on our established trading platform in an uncomplicated and safe way. Over the next few months, we want to gradually add more crypto currencies to the trading against the euro. Furthermore, we plan to offer the trading of cryptocurrencies against cryptocurrencies. The triumph of cryptocurrencies seems unstoppable. Even IMF Director Christine Lagarde said at the recent Bank of England conference that she could imagine crypto-currencies replacing national currencies in states with weak institutions," says Michael Nowak, Managing Director of Bitcoin​ ​Group​ ​SE.

Publication of half-yearly annual report / half-year financial statements


Bitcoin Group SE significantly exceeds expectations with results for H1 2017

  • Sales more than doubled to EUR 1,770 thousand (previous year: EUR 775 thousand)
  • Increase in earnings before taxes of 240% to EUR 1,220 thousand (previous year: EUR 359 thousand)
  • Growth momentum expected to increase due to start of trading of additional cryptocurrencies

Herford, August 28, 2017 – Bitcoin Group SE (ISIN DE000A1TNV91) is publishing its report on the first half of 2017 today. The Group significantly exceeded expectations in the first six months of fiscal year 2017. As a result of the rapidly growing trading volume on – Germany’s only regulated Bitcoin marketplace – sales climbed by 128% to EUR 1,770 thousand as against EUR 775 thousand in the same period of the previous year. Overall, the cryptocurrency Bitcoin is recording a dynamic price increase. It is currently trading at more than EUR 3,500.00. During the reporting period, the price for Bitcoins rose from EUR 930.89 to EUR 2,157.07 at the end of June 2017. This strong demand is also reflected in the growing number of customers on – a wholly owned subsidiary of Bitcoin Group SE. As of the end of June 2017, the Group had welcomed the 430,000th customer to its marketplace. This compared to 356,000 customers as of the beginning of the year. With a growth of more than 12,000 new customers per month, the increase is twice as high as forecasted. The development of earnings was also very satisfactory. Earnings before taxes rose by 240% to EUR 1,220 thousand in the first half of 2017, compared to EUR 359 thousand in the same period of the previous year. All in all, positive earnings before taxes of EUR 819 thousand were generated in the first half of 2017. In the previous year, a loss of EUR 256 thousand had been recorded. The increase in essential key figures is attributable to the dynamic rise in the Bitcoin price and the associated value of the Bitcoin inventories held by the Group. The “available-for-sale assets” item of the statement of financial position amounted to EUR 6,789 thousand or 3,029 Bitcoins as of June 30, 2017. After the end of the reporting period, the inventory value continued to increase due to a further rise in the Bitcoin price and the additionally gained inventories of Bitcoin Cash.

“We are very satisfied with the company’s performance in the first half of the year. It shows that a clearly formulated business plan combined with the necessary patience is rewarded. However, we know how to interpret our success and therefore don’t intend to rest on our laurels but rather to continue working on the success story of This will also include adding other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum (ETH) onto our trading platform,” explains Michael Nowak, Managing Director of Bitcoin Group SE.

As of June 30, 2017, total assets amounted to EUR 12,480 thousand, almost double their level at the end of 2016 of EUR 6,800 thousand. Equity increased by EUR 3,898 thousand to EUR 9,981 thousand as a result of retained earnings (EUR 872 thousand) and other comprehensive income (EUR 4,109 thousand). “With an equity ratio of 79.9%, we as a financial service provider are more soundly financed than any bank. We also have enough liquidity to be able to seize any opportunities that arise in terms of acquisitions,” says Michael Nowak.

For the current fiscal year 2017, the management continues to anticipate strong sales growth. The planned start of trading of the cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH) is expected to contribute an additional increase of between 10% and 20% to total sales in the second half of 2017. Furthermore, the Group is excellently positioned to benefit from the anticipated dynamic growth in the transaction volume following the division of the Bitcoin into Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. The split is intended to ensure liquidity in payment transactions, which will ultimately also have a positive influence on user numbers. By the end of fiscal year 2017, the number of registered users on the platform is expected to have risen above 480,000.

“Customers are discovering Bitcoin and Ethereum not only as a high-yielding investment but also as a genuine alternative to paper currencies. Japan has officially accepted Bitcoin as a payment method, as has India. Russia is also considering legal recognition of Bitcoin and the Russian

Veröffentlichung Geschäftsbericht / Jahresabschluss (2)

Bitcoin Group SE veröffentlicht Geschäftsbericht 2016 und zeigt starkes Wachstum

  • Deutschlands Bitcoin-Börse steigert Handelsvolumen signifikant
  • Umsatz wächst deutlichum 44%, Jahresergebnisauf TEUR114 gestiegen
  • Management erwartet auch für 2017 dynamisches Wachstumund hebt Prognose an

München, 30. Juni 2017 – Die Bitcoin Group SE (ISINDE000A1TNV91) veröffentlicht heute ihren Geschäftsbericht 2016. Die Unternehmensgruppe konnte das Berichtsjahr 2016 insgesamt mit Ergebnissen deutlich über den Erwartungen abschließen. Die Umsatzerlöse stiegen auf TEUR 1.126 gegenüber TEUR 780 im Vorjahr. Das entspricht einem signifikanten Anstieg um 44,4%. Der Umsatzzuwachs ist im Wesentlichen auf das expandierende Handelsvolumen auf dem Marktplatz in Verbindung mit einer starken Kursentwicklung des Bitcoins zurückzuführen. Die Bitcoin Deutschland AG als 100%-Beteiligung der Bitcoin Group SE betreibt unter Deutschlands einzigen zugelassenen Marktplatz für die Kryptowährung.

In Zahlen ausgedrückt verteuerte sich der Bitcoin im Berichtsjahr von EUR 399,57auf EUR 912,26 per Ende Dezember 2016. Derzeit notiert die Abrechnungseinheit bei über EUR 2.200,00. Parallel dazu entwickelte sich dieZahl der User von sehr erfreulich. Waren es im Jahr 2015 noch etwa 281.000 User,freute sich die Bitcoin Group SE, per Ende des Jahres 2016 den 356.000sten User begrüßen zu dürfen. Dies entspricht einem Wachstum von knapp 27% oder 6.200 Kunden je Monat.

„Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit dem Wachstum unseres noch relativ jungen Unternehmens. Es zeigt sich, dass der Bitcoin kein kurzfristiger Trend ist, sondern eine nachhaltige und unaufhaltsame Entwicklung erlebt und sich in einem zukunftsorientierten Markt als valide Währungsalternative und renditestarkes Investment etablieren kann. Mit unserem Marktplatz, unseren starken Partnern und unserem Know-how wollen wir diese Entwicklung nachhaltig mitgestalten, und als Unternehmen davon profitieren. Im vergangenen Geschäftsjahr ist uns das sehr gut gelungen“, erläutert Michael Nowak, Geschäftsführender Direktor der Bitcoin Group SE.

Auch ergebnisseitig verzeichnet die Bitcoin Group SE eine erfreuliche Entwicklung. Unter dem Strich steht für das Berichtsjahr ein positives Jahresergebnis nach Steuern in Höhe von TEUR 114. Im Vorjahr hatte noch ein Verlust von TEUR 16 zu Buche gestanden. Die Bilanzsumme erhöhte sich von TEUR 5.829 zum Bilanzstichtag 2015 auf TEUR 6.800 zum 31.Dezember 2016. Das Eigenkapital stieg durch einbehaltene Gewinne (TEUR+53)und das sonstige Gesamtergebnis (TEUR+1.030) um TEUR 630 auf TEUR 6.083 (Vorjahr: TEUR 5.453). Damit beträgt die Eigenkapitalquote 89,4%. „Wir agieren weiter ohne Fremdfinanzierungen und weisen eine Eigenkapitalquote auf, die in der Branche den Vergleich mit anderen Finanzdienstleistern und Banken nicht zu scheuen braucht, im Gegenteil. Wir sind ein grundsolide finanziertes Unternehmen und haben die beste Basis für weiteres Wachstum und Vertrauen der Investorengelegt“, sagt Michael Nowak.

Für 2017 rechnet das Management erneut mit einem starken Umsatzwachstum. Die 100%-Tochtergesellschaft der Bitcoin Group SE, die Bitcoin Deutschland AG, konnte im ersten Halbjahr des laufenden Geschäftsjahres 2017 ihre Umsatzerlöse verdoppeln. Darüber hinaus stiegen die "zur Veräußerung verfügbaren finanziellenVermögenswerte" der Bitcoin Group SE erheblich an, durch Zuflüsse eigener Bitcoins sowie durch Kurssteigerungen um das Dreifache. Daher hat die Bitcoin Group ihre Konzernergebnis-Prognose für das Geschäftsjahr 2017 per Adhoc-Meldung vom 29.Juni 2017von "moderat steigend" auf "stark steigend" nach oben angepasst.

Die positiven Aussichten gelten auch für die Kundenbasis: Bis zum Ende des Geschäftsjahres 2017 erwartet das Management,aufgrund stetigen Wachstums die Marke von 450.000 (Stand aktuell: 430.000) registrierten Nutzern zu überspringen. Um das Potenzial des gewachsenen Kundenstamms für die Unternehmensgruppe effizienter nutzen zu können, plant die Bitcoin Group SE im Laufe des Jahres weitere Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Usability und Customer Experience umzusetzen.

Der Geschäftsbericht 2016 steht unter zum Download bereit.



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