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Bitcoin Group SE: Cryptocurrencies in Germany more popular than shares –and is marketplacenumber one

  • Nearly every tenth German has cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoins
  • In terms of ownership, cryptocurrencies are more popular than equities
  • Bitcoin.deis the most frequently used marketplacein Germany

Herford, 06 June 2019 -Bitcoin Group SE (ISIN DE000A1TNV91) continues to successfully pursue its expansion path. As arepresentative study of the Blockchain Research Lab (BRL), an independent research institute in the field of blockchain technology, shows, Bitcoin.deis in the favor of the Germans by far in first place. Already more than 62% of the German cryptomoney users trust Germany's only regulated marketplace.

At the same time, more and more people in Germany are recognizing the potential of digital currencies.More than 18% of the respondents stated that they either currently own cryptocurrencies (9.2%) or have traded in the past (9.1%). 58% of respondents from these two groups have even mined coins themselves.

Cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more popular and are apparently also taking on a steadily increasing value in terms of their significance for financial investments. With 9.2% the cryptocurrency possession ratio in Germany is even higher than that of share ownership. According to information from the Deutsches Aktieninstitut (DAI), this will amount to 7.1% in 2018 for direct investments in individual stocks. Overall, it should be noted that the population of potential cryptocurrency owners in the study is smaller, since they are persons of full age with an Internet connection, whereas the DAI includes all German citizens aged 14 and over in its analysis.

"The study shows that cryptocurrencies have long since arrived in the middle of society. This is not surprising, as they have numerous advantages such as inflation protection, counterfeit protection and a decentralised structure. We are certain that the spread will continue to increase once savings products such as exchange-traded index funds (ETFs) or bonds in cryptocurrencies are issued. We not only want to profit from this development,but at the same time,we also want to drive it forward. For this we have in the current financial year 2019 still some plans, like the installationof the first Bitcoin cash automats in Germany or the Launch of the Bitcoin.deApp”, saysMarco Bodewein, Managing Directorof the Bitcoin Group SE.



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